

At Hailsham Chambers we take data and cyber security very seriously.   We have a range of protections in place to protect our IT systems and have been awarded a “Certificate of Assurance” for Cyber Essentials Plus.

We want you to know that you can trust us with your information. This Privacy Notice describes the information we collect about you, how it is used and shared, and your rights regarding it.

Nicola Rushton KC, as Head of Hailsham Chambers, is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Data Controller for the personal data held and processed by Hailsham Chambers. The registered address is Hailsham Chambers, 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, London EC4Y 7EX, and the registration number is Z4652931.

Individual members of chambers are data controllers in their own right and each member of chambers has an individual privacy notice that can be accessed via their profile pages on our website.

Our Privacy Notice is restricted to the personal data held by Hailsham Chambers as a data controller.

This privacy notice is aimed at:

(a) Applicants for tenancy, pupillage and mini-pupillage;

(b) Applicants for staff positions;

(c) Any person whose data we have obtained and retained for the purposes of marketing;

(d) Suppliers of chambers.

We collect and process both personal data and special categories of personal data as defined in the UK GDPR. For those whose data we have retained for the purposes of marketing this will typically include the following information:

(a) Name;

(b) Address;

(c) Email address;

(d) Phone number;

(e) Your organisation;

(f) The nature of your interest in Chambers’ marketing;

(g) Your attendance at Chambers events.

For applicants for tenancy, pupillage, mini-pupillage and staff positions, this will include the information at (a)-(e) above, but depending on the information provided by you in your application, may also include:

(h) education, training, and employment details;

(i) financial details;

(j) family details;

(k) lifestyle and social circumstances;

(l) special category data under Article 9 UK GDPR.

The UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires all organisations that process personal data to have a Lawful Basis for doing so.

Our Lawful Bases are:

(a) If you have explicitly consented to the processing of your personal data, then we may process your information for the uses set out below to the extent to which you have consented to our doing so;

(b) The Legitimate Interests of Chambers, which include:

  • Processing for the purpose of providing administrative services to the members of Hailsham Chambers;
  • Internal record keeping;
  • Processing for marketing purposes;
  • The processing of applications for employment, tenancy, pupillage or mini-pupillage; 

(c) If you have a contract with us, we are entitled to process your personal data in order that we can fulfil our contractual obligations to you.

We use your information to:

  • Provide legal services, including promoting and marketing the services of Members of Chambers;
  • Assess and process any application for employment, tenancy, pupillage or mini-pupillage;
  • Fulfil equality and diversity and other regulatory requirements;
  • Procure goods and services and process payments for goods and services;
  • Request or respond to requests for references;
  • Communicate with you about services, news, legal judgments and decisions of courts and tribunals, updates and events;
  • Conduct data analysis to improve our services;
  • Investigate and address any concerns you might have or complaints you might make.

We may share your personal data with:

  • In general, any information you provide to Hailsham Chambers will only be used within Hailsham  Chambers  by  its  staff,  agents,  members  of  Chambers  and  service providers/information  processors  such  as  IT  support  staff,  email,  information, transportation, storage and disposal providers; and
  • We may also share the information with any other party where we ask you and you consent to the sharing.

We do not transfer your personal data to third countries or international organisations and have no expectation of needing to do so. However, should the need arise, we will ensure that such a transfer will comply with Article 44 and Chapter V UK GDPR.

We retain your personal data while you remain a professional client, a pupil, or a mini-pupil, or are an applicant for employment, tenancy, pupillage or mini-pupillage, or provide goods and services, unless you ask us to delete it and we agree to do so.

Thereafter, the period for which we may retain personal data varies from case-to-case, but in general:

(a) Professional client data is retained for a period of 5 years from the date of the last instruction by the firm;

(b) Employment applicant data is retained for a period of 3 years from the date of the determination of the application;

(c) Tenancy applicant data is retained for a period of 3 years from the date of the determination of the application;

(d) The data of pupils who do not become tenants in Chambers is retained for a period of 7 years from the date that they leave Chambers;

(e) Pupillage application data is retained for a period of 3 years from the date of the determination of the application;

(f) Mini-pupillage application data is retained for a period of 3 years from the date of the determination of the application;

(g) The data of suppliers of goods and services to Chambers is retained for a period of 7 years from the date of the determination of the contract.

We will delete or anonymise your personal data at your request unless:

  • There is an unresolved issue, such as claim or dispute;
  • We are legally required to keep it; or
  • There are overriding legitimate business interests for us to keep the data (which may include the fact that the request has been made prior to the expiry of the retention periods identified above).

Where we are relying on your explicit consent to process your personal data it is likely to be in circumstances where you provided the consent when you applied to become a member of staff, tenant, pupil or mini-pupil. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, but this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing activity carried out prior to you withdrawing your consent. However, where we also rely on other bases for processing your personal data, you may not be able to prevent such processing.

The UK GDPR gives you specific rights around your personal data. For example, you have to be informed about the information we hold and what we use it for, you can ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you, you can ask us to correct any inaccuracies with the personal data we hold, you can ask us to stop sending you direct mail, or emails, or in some circumstances ask us to stop processing your details. Finally, if we do something irregular or improper with your personal data you can seek compensation for any distress you are caused or loss you have incurred. You can find out more information from the ICO’s website and this is the organisation that you can complain to if you are unhappy with how we deal with you.

You may request access to, correction of, or a copy of your information by contacting Stephen Smith, Senior Clerk here  or by using our address or telephone number available on this website.

You may opt-out of receiving emails and other messages from our organisation by following the instructions in those messages.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit some websites. Please see our cookie policy for more information.

We do not intend to process your personal information except for the reasons stated within this privacy notice. If this changes, this Privacy Notice will be amended and published on the Hailsham Chambers website.

We may occasionally update our Privacy Notice in any event, and a link to the most up-to-date Privacy Notice will be published on the Hailsham Chambers website.

Last updated: February 2024