Contact Us

Contact Us

Hailsham Chambers’ Clerks can be contacted on the following direct dial telephone numbers:

Stephen Smith (Senior Clerk)020 7643 5011
Stuart Paley (Senior Practice Director) – 020 7643 5013
Lee Reynolds (Senior Practice Manager)020 7643 5031
Lewis Merison (Practice Manager) 020 7643 5012
James Defries (Assistant Practice Manager) 020 7643 5010
Leah Ashcroft (Assistant Practice Manager)020 7643 5040

You can find us by accessing the Inner Temple from the North side on Fleet Street which allows pedestrian access only. The entrance is at the foot of Fetter Lane and signposted ‘Mitre Court’ (iSmash is on the corner). Follow the path down the steps and go straight ahead, you will find Paper Buildings in the corner on the right hand side of the car park.

There is access from the East side through Tudor Gate on Tudor Street. When you pass the barrier, 4 Paper Buildings is straight ahead of you and slightly to the left.

You can also access the Temple via the Embankment, Middle Temple Lane. (Closest tube station, Temple)

Hailsham Chambers
4 Paper Buildings
London EC4Y 7EX
Download map [PDF]

Tel: +44 (0)20 7643 5000

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:30 – 18:00

Outside business hours:
Please call 07961 428125