Hailsham Chambers was established as a set of chambers over 100 years ago. As with all sets of Barristers’ chambers at the time, Hailsham Chambers (formerly known as 4 Paper Buildings) was originally a generalist set with its members undertaking both general civil and criminal work.
Over the course of time Chambers’ practice became increasingly specialised. Today, our members focus on professional liability; medical law; costs litigation; regulatory and disciplinary; personal injury; and commercial law.
A number of former members of Chambers have gone on to hold high judicial and other law offices. These include Lord Diplock, the late Law Lord; Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone, the former Lord Chancellor; and Dame Eleanor Sharpston, the former Advocate-General at the European Court of Justice.
Other former members of Chambers include Theodora Llewelyn Davies, the first woman to be admitted to the Inner Temple, and the late Harvey McGregor CBE QC, who wrote the leading legal text McGregor on Damages for over 60 years. Others associated with Chambers include Clement Attlee, the former Prime Minister, who was a pupil in Chambers before embarking on his political career.